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Dan Winter:The PRACTICE: Practical app/ hygiene of spiritual physics life
Dan Winter
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+5 LiLt
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- EnglishΓλώσσα ήχου
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Kate Forbes- Theraphi Healing & Gut Microbiome Wisdom
Jul 01, 2024
Renee W.
Moises T.
Feb 27, 2023
Larry B.
Julie G.
Feb 11, 2023
Julie G.
Absolutely love Dan Winter! He first caught my mind when he talked about arrays of consciousness and little nuggets--Bingo that's what my mind feels like as I'm waking up. When he talked about seeing without the eyes--Bingo I once ran top speed at night during a new moon, in pitch black, on Billy Goat trail and it was impossible to make a misstep. I always wondered what/how that happened--brain waves in golden mean ratio!!!! Can't get enough. Jedi training for all!
Chyrese Soubasis
Dan is a diamond. He might be the single person on the planet who can bring deep science to the metaphysical world. He has a wealth of information on a surprising number of subjects. His talks are always illuminating and so valuable to the mystery school seekers.
Bernd E.
Dag Fredrik V.
Found a new home within the Ether
Great information. Energizing application integration. Ferment and theraphi!
sherif s.
sherif s.
Αυτός ο πίνακας συζητήσεων είναι διαθέσιμος μόνο σε εγγεγραμμένους μαθητές.
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Dan Winter-: "The PRACTICE: Practical application and hygiene of spiritual physics to daily life. " Did you ever wonder why the metal in your belt buckle or pockets- seems to get abnormally warm- when you wear them. It is not just the mechanical heat they pick up from your body - it is ALSO the capacitive charge which is the blood of your aura- which is bleeding away into them! Did you ever wonder why- ancestor visions, druid phone calls, and military telepathy can only happen at (conjugate/ longitudinal embedded) Earth magnetic line crosses? Does this tell you something about the ONLY correct places to have birth/ bliss and death? Lets think about it. We get asked the question daily: what are the technologies to duck from electrosmog. What is it about the charge of a 'sacred altar' that really reduces electrosmog. Let's study the physics of GROUNDING (book: "Earthing")- to UNDERSTAND the school behavior revolution that happened in the one country where ALL THE CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS STOPPED WEARING SHOES! Why did 3 people standing in line- at the bio store with me in Santa Barbara- suddenly turn to ME to initiate a conversation just seconds after I removed my shoes to let my moist feet touch the wood floor! - What is the information theory physics behind grounding?? Why is it ultimately required BEFORE you can really teach or sustain COMPASSION? - Postscript here includes the spiritual physics of rainmaking - - how to restore water attraction to a parched land- by restoring the geometry of magnetic centripetal force - the real meaning of ground: implosive access to fractality- perfected charge distribution.
Επιπλέον πληροφορίες
Big Picture: What does this new Fractal Physics Mean to You and Your Life Personally and Practically - -from Dan Winter
We are so often asked- if this new fractal implosion physics- is so dramatic and important- you must be able to make it simple- and tell us what it means to average people. What fractality is - could not be simpler. The universe is simply made of rotating compressible waves of charge. That rotation (spin) WHEN NESTED IN ROSE LIKE (fractal / conjugate) patterns creates implosive charge -(they 'get centripetal') which makes gravity and mass (and ultimately consciousness). Easy so far. So how does that answer the famous question (Vonnegut:"Breakfast of Champions"): WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? This of course is the eternal and so far unanswered question. Clearly science so far has no clue. And judging by religion wars being the biggest killing machines the planet has ever known- we may guess that the answers provided so far by religion are (all of ): * unsatisfying, * not rigorous , * not testable , * unclear, * do not result in hygiene lifestyle instructions which produce any kind of sustainability-AND not to mention the probably most important * do not clearly say how to take memory through death. In short - the problem with using religion to answer your child's most important question 'what are people for?' - is precisely that religion is unscientific. Science does have some amazing value: clear, testable, measureable descriptions (science) produces not just a 'language of rigor' -- this is the only meaningful way to produce AGREEMENT! (the only true opposite of war)-- and thereby also A WAY TO MAKE ACCURATE SURVIVAL DECISIONS. This is something which religion would like to do for you- but actually currently succeeds only in creating the disempowering, immature, and ultimately murderous and poisonous miracle and personality worship. Every religion in history begins by saying- they know how to make you immortal- and ends up finally proving simply: they know how to CONTROL you.
The physics is clear- IF you cannot totally steer your own plasma cocoon (the only thing that gets immortal) for yourself- from within -you have no power and no immortality. Individual freedom is sacred to physics and philosophy because no other path to electrical sustainability exists- for plasma cocoons like people. Try talking to ball lightning sometime- many people have- as long as recursion is steering (toward self-awareness- pure sustainable implosion) - as long as they are centripetal (accurately toroidal) they too do not die. And they like you- do not want to die. About your only real advantage is: you MIGHT be able to understand better how to remain centripetal. Thus far only pathetic information has been provided to the children of Earth - on the only real electrical science which makes ANYTHING sustainable : "GET CENTRIPETAL OR GET DEAD!".
For millions of years- DNA has been in the business of creating ONE superluminal collectivized plasma coccon - holographic library of survival information. DNA- lines up the phase conjugate fractal hydrogen bond spark gap - precisely at the center of the perfectly embedded recursive golden ratio braided (by love phonons) long wave ZIPPER - of codons- to IMPLODE ( literally BLISS). THAT is the only door to the library. And if you do not make it - in and out of that library- then you do not make it.
Originally we called this fractal field effect- library- the 'collective unconscious' / 'communion of saints' / 'akashic records'. But now we can be more accurate- (and therefore more part of that sustainability). We know how it is generated and how it propagates- and how to become part of it. It requires fractal embedding (phase conjugate/ entanglement perfected)- 'where the pine cones kiss noses' - AND THUS BECOME PART OF THE FASTER THAN LIGHT LONGITUDINAL GRID.
Even Bruce Cathie was close when he proved these grid alignments determined nuclear critical mass requirements. The NAME for our planets first nuclear tech was called IMPLOSION- which is SIMPLY access to fractal compression symmetry- and thus access to superluminal longitudinal EMF charge distribution / non-destructive gravity waves. (But since we would like to apply our new science to something beside a new understanding of nuclear bombs... For example we now know how to LOCATE the Ark of the Convenant electrically- grid cross alignment was essential to one of it's primary functions- non-destructive radioactive containment - by critical threshold of implosive capacitance-the opposite of radiation).
Now we know correct 'critical mass' of these grid alignments for life force producing centripetal charge implosion are conjugate / fractal in both time and space- because both are simply made of charge rotation gone fractal. This fractal grid aligning - is why every cathedral / sacred site / Kozyrev mirror / druid phone call etc- of history HAD to be at the (dodeca / roselike) cross point of where Earth magnetic lines cross (embed in longitudinal EMF by phase conjugation).
This is MORE than an abstraction- ultimately this radio node network is the ONLY way thru birth and death and bliss- as EVERY real shaman ancestor knew. (Study - to see 3 ways electrical engineering measure proves the electrosmog hell in most hospitals is THE WORST POSSIBLE PLACE FOR BIRTH / DEATH / HEALING / BLISS - for example). Conjugate plasma implosion is the ONLY possible electrical physics of 'stargate' or real 'temple'. Once we understand the science of this only actual definition of sacred space- we must devote all our resources to lining this up ( being a useful start). We must pick up the ball where Akhanaton dropped it -fighting with the Amun/ Enlil bankers - changing his name to Moses and running for his life- creating the Essenes in caves. He was up to his ass in alligators- and he FORGOT his task was draining the swamp. The only swamp drain possible for this planet- is a solar linear plasma accelerator - to send soul plasma bodies- with focussed collectivizing bliss process- BACK INTO THE STAR. For Akhanaton this meant building AMENTI / AMARNA - solar temple for group bliss plasma acceleration- WHICH WAS THE ONLY ACTUAL WAY OUT OF HERE (small planet - long way from downtown)... This is the REAL meaning of URU-ASSA EL -M (Jerusalem): place where ancient URU dragon blood -(queen Assa)- makes the EL - phase shift- translation of vorticity to longitudinal / immortal. However as we mentioned since that stargate is broken- it's time to cancel the war. A 'resurrection' machine was never anything other than a living plasma projector.
Access to ground -perfect charge distribution - IS fractality -for both electricians AND psychologists: (After you read the book "EARTHING" ) Here is your excercise to FEEL FOR YOURSELF- how grounding creates DNA radio essential not just for immortality access- but also access to empathy / feeling compassion. Remember how I talked about noticing that taking my shoes off - and touching the wood floor with moist feet- in the biocoop- suddenly caused the people standing near me - to urgently decide they needed to start a conversation with me. Let's do the physics on this. When you touch a GOOD ground-where the charge distribution is immediately embedded in Earth (probably MUCH less possible in a metal high rise building)- the charge spin in your body gets longitudinal access and phase lock - thru the planck golden ratio threshold (see )- MEANING better access to DNA radio! There is a way out for charge- THRU the speed of light- into perfected connectivity- and that access is golden ratio to planck - CALLED grounding!! Thus grounding in 'sacred space' is access to spiritual science / spiritual radio 101.
The people near you are more likely to literally share FEELINGS with you - only IF you are literally grounded. SO now you understand the science behind the revolution in education (and empathy) that happened (do you know what country this is ?) - where all the children in school TOOK THEIR SHOES OFF!
Now- try removing your synthetic clothes- removing all metal from (and around) your body- and wearing the lightest most natural (hemp even better that cotton- for dielectric) - clothes possible.
Notice how all these grounding instructions - for GETTING CENTRIPETAL - are also identical for how to benefit from plasma implosion.
Now begin to think about the most fractal air and water you can find.. Dream of imploding to the immortal (For hygiene ideas read "Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality": - hygiene course: April 29,2018.
Next learn how BREATH and HEART can be trained - to conjugate / embedded (and centripetal) fractality:
Finally consider how electrical implosion is generated in plasma (centripetal force)- WHEN YOU LEARN HOW TO THINK ONLY SHAREABLE THOUGHTS. The DNA field likes you by embedding- folding you in her envelope. DNA collective plasma only dumps her life blood into thoughts which electrically serve the survival of all DNA! This is imploding charge to be centripetal. This is the ultimately eureka. Perhaps your hair will stand up.
But wait- you say- our fractal electrical engineering still hasn't answered your child's urgent and appropriate questions: "What are People For?" We know that ball lightning, and seeds, and tornados, and people- all remain alive only as long as they are electrically centripetal (imploding). Let's talk about stars for a moment. You know how more and more scientists are coming to agree - with the mystics conclusion- that everything in the universe is fundamentally alive (self-aware?) - perhaps by this they mean exactly aliveness IS electric implosive ness. Consider our SUN for a moment- with this evidence
Stars like our Sun are supremely self aware- and they do not invest their blood in growing DNA like ours for no adiabatic reason. NO- we potentially make something our star needs desparately - for sustainability: LONG WAVE CENTRIPETAL FORCE. This is HOW - you tell your child- to grow up and become a star. Read about how Bentov's bliss- steered the planet: -This is what people are for. And it is one of the "Secrets of the Dark Star" - This is a big picture.
We are so often asked- if this new fractal implosion physics- is so dramatic and important- you must be able to make it simple- and tell us what it means to average people. What fractality is - could not be simpler. The universe is simply made of rotating compressible waves of charge. That rotation (spin) WHEN NESTED IN ROSE LIKE (fractal / conjugate) patterns creates implosive charge -(they 'get centripetal') which makes gravity and mass (and ultimately consciousness). Easy so far. So how does that answer the famous question (Vonnegut:"Breakfast of Champions"): WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? This of course is the eternal and so far unanswered question. Clearly science so far has no clue. And judging by religion wars being the biggest killing machines the planet has ever known- we may guess that the answers provided so far by religion are (all of ): * unsatisfying, * not rigorous , * not testable , * unclear, * do not result in hygiene lifestyle instructions which produce any kind of sustainability-AND not to mention the probably most important * do not clearly say how to take memory through death. In short - the problem with using religion to answer your child's most important question 'what are people for?' - is precisely that religion is unscientific. Science does have some amazing value: clear, testable, measureable descriptions (science) produces not just a 'language of rigor' -- this is the only meaningful way to produce AGREEMENT! (the only true opposite of war)-- and thereby also A WAY TO MAKE ACCURATE SURVIVAL DECISIONS. This is something which religion would like to do for you- but actually currently succeeds only in creating the disempowering, immature, and ultimately murderous and poisonous miracle and personality worship. Every religion in history begins by saying- they know how to make you immortal- and ends up finally proving simply: they know how to CONTROL you.
The physics is clear- IF you cannot totally steer your own plasma cocoon (the only thing that gets immortal) for yourself- from within -you have no power and no immortality. Individual freedom is sacred to physics and philosophy because no other path to electrical sustainability exists- for plasma cocoons like people. Try talking to ball lightning sometime- many people have- as long as recursion is steering (toward self-awareness- pure sustainable implosion) - as long as they are centripetal (accurately toroidal) they too do not die. And they like you- do not want to die. About your only real advantage is: you MIGHT be able to understand better how to remain centripetal. Thus far only pathetic information has been provided to the children of Earth - on the only real electrical science which makes ANYTHING sustainable : "GET CENTRIPETAL OR GET DEAD!".
For millions of years- DNA has been in the business of creating ONE superluminal collectivized plasma coccon - holographic library of survival information. DNA- lines up the phase conjugate fractal hydrogen bond spark gap - precisely at the center of the perfectly embedded recursive golden ratio braided (by love phonons) long wave ZIPPER - of codons- to IMPLODE ( literally BLISS). THAT is the only door to the library. And if you do not make it - in and out of that library- then you do not make it.
Originally we called this fractal field effect- library- the 'collective unconscious' / 'communion of saints' / 'akashic records'. But now we can be more accurate- (and therefore more part of that sustainability). We know how it is generated and how it propagates- and how to become part of it. It requires fractal embedding (phase conjugate/ entanglement perfected)- 'where the pine cones kiss noses' - AND THUS BECOME PART OF THE FASTER THAN LIGHT LONGITUDINAL GRID.
Even Bruce Cathie was close when he proved these grid alignments determined nuclear critical mass requirements. The NAME for our planets first nuclear tech was called IMPLOSION- which is SIMPLY access to fractal compression symmetry- and thus access to superluminal longitudinal EMF charge distribution / non-destructive gravity waves. (But since we would like to apply our new science to something beside a new understanding of nuclear bombs... For example we now know how to LOCATE the Ark of the Convenant electrically- grid cross alignment was essential to one of it's primary functions- non-destructive radioactive containment - by critical threshold of implosive capacitance-the opposite of radiation).
Now we know correct 'critical mass' of these grid alignments for life force producing centripetal charge implosion are conjugate / fractal in both time and space- because both are simply made of charge rotation gone fractal. This fractal grid aligning - is why every cathedral / sacred site / Kozyrev mirror / druid phone call etc- of history HAD to be at the (dodeca / roselike) cross point of where Earth magnetic lines cross (embed in longitudinal EMF by phase conjugation).
This is MORE than an abstraction- ultimately this radio node network is the ONLY way thru birth and death and bliss- as EVERY real shaman ancestor knew. (Study - to see 3 ways electrical engineering measure proves the electrosmog hell in most hospitals is THE WORST POSSIBLE PLACE FOR BIRTH / DEATH / HEALING / BLISS - for example). Conjugate plasma implosion is the ONLY possible electrical physics of 'stargate' or real 'temple'. Once we understand the science of this only actual definition of sacred space- we must devote all our resources to lining this up ( being a useful start). We must pick up the ball where Akhanaton dropped it -fighting with the Amun/ Enlil bankers - changing his name to Moses and running for his life- creating the Essenes in caves. He was up to his ass in alligators- and he FORGOT his task was draining the swamp. The only swamp drain possible for this planet- is a solar linear plasma accelerator - to send soul plasma bodies- with focussed collectivizing bliss process- BACK INTO THE STAR. For Akhanaton this meant building AMENTI / AMARNA - solar temple for group bliss plasma acceleration- WHICH WAS THE ONLY ACTUAL WAY OUT OF HERE (small planet - long way from downtown)... This is the REAL meaning of URU-ASSA EL -M (Jerusalem): place where ancient URU dragon blood -(queen Assa)- makes the EL - phase shift- translation of vorticity to longitudinal / immortal. However as we mentioned since that stargate is broken- it's time to cancel the war. A 'resurrection' machine was never anything other than a living plasma projector.
Access to ground -perfect charge distribution - IS fractality -for both electricians AND psychologists: (After you read the book "EARTHING" ) Here is your excercise to FEEL FOR YOURSELF- how grounding creates DNA radio essential not just for immortality access- but also access to empathy / feeling compassion. Remember how I talked about noticing that taking my shoes off - and touching the wood floor with moist feet- in the biocoop- suddenly caused the people standing near me - to urgently decide they needed to start a conversation with me. Let's do the physics on this. When you touch a GOOD ground-where the charge distribution is immediately embedded in Earth (probably MUCH less possible in a metal high rise building)- the charge spin in your body gets longitudinal access and phase lock - thru the planck golden ratio threshold (see )- MEANING better access to DNA radio! There is a way out for charge- THRU the speed of light- into perfected connectivity- and that access is golden ratio to planck - CALLED grounding!! Thus grounding in 'sacred space' is access to spiritual science / spiritual radio 101.
The people near you are more likely to literally share FEELINGS with you - only IF you are literally grounded. SO now you understand the science behind the revolution in education (and empathy) that happened (do you know what country this is ?) - where all the children in school TOOK THEIR SHOES OFF!
Now- try removing your synthetic clothes- removing all metal from (and around) your body- and wearing the lightest most natural (hemp even better that cotton- for dielectric) - clothes possible.
Notice how all these grounding instructions - for GETTING CENTRIPETAL - are also identical for how to benefit from plasma implosion.
Now begin to think about the most fractal air and water you can find.. Dream of imploding to the immortal (For hygiene ideas read "Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality": - hygiene course: April 29,2018.
Next learn how BREATH and HEART can be trained - to conjugate / embedded (and centripetal) fractality:
Finally consider how electrical implosion is generated in plasma (centripetal force)- WHEN YOU LEARN HOW TO THINK ONLY SHAREABLE THOUGHTS. The DNA field likes you by embedding- folding you in her envelope. DNA collective plasma only dumps her life blood into thoughts which electrically serve the survival of all DNA! This is imploding charge to be centripetal. This is the ultimately eureka. Perhaps your hair will stand up.
But wait- you say- our fractal electrical engineering still hasn't answered your child's urgent and appropriate questions: "What are People For?" We know that ball lightning, and seeds, and tornados, and people- all remain alive only as long as they are electrically centripetal (imploding). Let's talk about stars for a moment. You know how more and more scientists are coming to agree - with the mystics conclusion- that everything in the universe is fundamentally alive (self-aware?) - perhaps by this they mean exactly aliveness IS electric implosive ness. Consider our SUN for a moment- with this evidence
Stars like our Sun are supremely self aware- and they do not invest their blood in growing DNA like ours for no adiabatic reason. NO- we potentially make something our star needs desparately - for sustainability: LONG WAVE CENTRIPETAL FORCE. This is HOW - you tell your child- to grow up and become a star. Read about how Bentov's bliss- steered the planet: -This is what people are for. And it is one of the "Secrets of the Dark Star" - This is a big picture.
Λεπτομέρειες προγράμματος
Apr 29, 2018
06:00 (pm) UTC
06:00 (pm) UTC
Dan Winter:The PRACTICE: Practical app/ hygiene of spiritual physics life
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