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- 123ผู้เรียนทั้งหมด
- 2เซสชันทั้งหมด
- Jul 7, 2015ใช้งานตั้งแต่
- United Statesที่ตั้ง
I was called to the shamanic path in 1987, when I was a journalist and an activist, not a "spiritual person." During a time of profound personal suffering, a compassionate spirit had compassion and graced me with the spontaneous healing of my decades-long clinical depression. My life was changed forever.
Certified Harner Method Shamanic Counselor, 1993
I have been teaching and performing shamanic healing, counseling and consulting since 1992 -- nearly 25 years. I enjoy teaching introductory courses, intermediate courses, and training others in the shamanic healing arts.
I also have pioneered in applying shamanic practices to social healing. I have published about this work in The Sacred Hoop, Reclaiming Quarterly, The Journal of Shamanic Practice, Alternatives Magazine, and Journal of Contemporary Shamanism.
For testimonials about me and my work, you can visit my web site or my LinkedIn...